8 Trends – Why BizTRAQ is the next Digital Transformation Technology

8 Trends that make BizTRAQ the next Digital Transformation Technology

Here we discuss the trends that are going to influence Digital Transformation in 2023 and beyond and why BizTRAQ is the next Digital Transformation Technology

BizTRAQ is a business management software that is revolution in digital transformation and is the next digital transformation technologyTrend 1: Enterprise technology plays a major role in driving digital transformation technology for businesses

BizTRAQ is revolutionizing the digital marketplace by providing functionalities of ERP, CRM, HCM and SEM in one single solution.

Trend 2: Cloud computing will be the key digital transformation technology in 2023 and beyond

Another distinction to understand is how the technology is deployed. Is your technology going to be deployed within your office or is it going to be hosted off site by someone else.

Anything that runs in cloud means that someone else is hosting that solution. With BizTRAQ application, all your data is up in the cloud.

Now, in the age of Digital Transformation, more vendors are moving to the cloud in recent years. And some argue that on premise will be a dead sort of technology in a few years.

Through its cloud-based web application and Mobile App, BizTRAQ connects your workforce, clients, vendors, and partners by fueling commerce and expediting revenue generation operations.

BizTRAQ makes it possible to share content internally and externally and start making decisions that have a positive impact on your cash flow! Why use SharePoint and File Servers when BizTRAQ can provide you with the functionality in one single, cloud-based solution

Trend 3: Customization vs Configuration – Leveraging Digital Transformation Technology to Stay Ahead of the Trend

A third important concept to understand is the difference between configuration and customization.

First, it’s important to note that every organization that deploys any sort of enterprise technology must do some sort of configuration. You are configuring or personalizing the technology for your specific needs.

You are choosing what screens to use, how the information is going to flow. But you’re doing this all in the context of how the software was built and how it was meant to be used.

Customization, on the other hand, is taking the concept of configuration a step further, and the need to change some of the code and rewriting the software to do something it wasn’t necessarily meant to do.

Now, most organizations are very allergic to the concept of customization. But they find that they have to customize because there’s some deficiencies in the technology, they have acquired that don’t quite meet their business requirements.

While most organizations want to steer clear of customization, inevitably, most of them end up having to do some of that.

But it’s important to recognize that customization leads to a lot of risk in terms of difficulty of upgrading in terms of increased cost and higher risk.

BizTRAQ is intuitive, scalable, and customizable that allows companies to streamline their business processes in real time, by gaining transparency, efficiency, and security!

Convert any business process from paper or manual to digital.

Design forms, create workflows, configure modules, and then connect them all together to build, store, share, collaborate and report on data, documents and information. All with just simple configurations.

Trend 4: Leveraging Digital Transformation Technology to Embrace Business Requirements in the Age of Innovation

BizTRAQ understands that when you’re defining your business requirements, not all your business requirements may be created equally, there might be some that are higher priority because they’re unique to you.

BizTRAQ understands those business requirements early on.

Trend 5: Reinventing Project Governance in the Age of Digital Transformation

How you manage your project and how you make decisions is essentially what project governance is.

Project governance is the overall framework that you use to manage the project. This includes your Project Charter – which describes how decisions are made and who the team members are and their roles and responsibilities.

It also includes the project plan.

What is the plan? What are the timelines? What are the resource allocations? How are major decisions made and escalated throughout an implementation, as well as defining measures of success for the overall project.

Those are just a few examples of how BizTRAQ makes project governance easy because of the way it has been designed and developed.

During implementation stage, BizTRAQ engineers manage and put in the right controls to ensure it stays on track.

Trend 6: Deciding Between Agile and Waterfall in the Age of Digital Transformation Technologies

In recent years, the whole agile movement has sort of scrambled the waterfall approach for a lot of organizations.

Many organizations are shifting to more of an agile and less sequential approach where you just start building stuff and testing it in real time to get people’s reaction.

Next you start modifying the technology to meet whatever feedback you get from your audience.

From beginning to end, BizTRAQ was deployed to get a minimum viable product in place so immediate feedback could be received, and adjustments made and pivoted from there.

Trend 7: Seamless Integration in the Era of Digital Transformation Technologies

Today’s technological day and age have multiple systems that need to tie together and talk to one another.

BizTRAQ ties modules together and easily enabling them to talk to one another the way they transition or transfer data between one another, the way workflows transition between different systems.

In general, BizTRAQ enables easy flow of data and processes between multiple systems.

Trend 8: Enhancing Architecture and Master Data

In BizTRAQ, you have product masters, which are basically all the products that you manufacture or distribute.

You also have customer masters that capture all the information about your customers. And then when your customer buys from your organization, it’s captured as a transaction underneath that customer master.

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